I think I should admit the above is my most recent poor excuse with my photography. I SHOULD be posting many more of my photos on my personal website, Bob Paulson's Photography In Natural Settings, and with my agent -- see: Bob Paulson at ALAMY IMAGES. I have many many new and exciting photos, but I simply have not been uploading them.
In case you haven't come across the phrase "Too Busy Cutting Wood to Sharpen the Ax" before, I first heard it from a genuine old timber logger. To make a long story short, what it means is a person thinks they are too busy doing something important to take time off to do something that is actually essential to the task at hand. Consequently, the individual actually achieves far less than they could/should.
In my case, I'm trying to rectify the situation and should be posting more photos in the coming weeks. I have hundreds of new nature photos -- a number of which are out on exhibit at local businesses -- but the photos have yet to make it to my websites.
Hang on! The best will get there.
As you may have guessed by now, I would much rather go out and take photos than market them -- "Too Busy Cutting Wood to Sharpen the Ax."