Time flies #2
No, I'm not dead, just still WAY
If only good intentions were enough to get my desired work
I don't know how time can run by so fast, but it does.
I now have thousands of
photos that I need to get online. But, I always spend more time taking
pictures than posting them. As usual, taking pictures is more
Since my last post I have traveled to many places and
taken many nature photos. I have also taken part in some art
shows. But, to make my posting behavior worse, I am not only behind
getting the photos to my personal web account (http://www.photographyinnaturalsettings.com/),
I am just about as far behind in getting them to my online agent. That is extra bad. No one buys what they can't see.
I hope I will get new photos posted before too much
This still reminds me of the saying, "Too busy cutting
wood to sharpen the axe." I know
Just think. I have 2 million followers and I STILL
don't keep up (part of that is supposed to be humorous).
Hopefully, some success will be coming,
Bob Paulson